Top Podcasts


I’m on my own in the office a lot of the time, so take the opportunity to listen to podcasts whilst i’m working. In no particular order, here are some of my favourites…

Sword and Scale – True crime of the most horrible kind, clear step by step accounts of the worst murders in modern history. Hosted by Mike Boudet, the content is always gripping and well researched.

Risk – People telling their own stories, usually on a stage to an audience. Stories follow a theme each week which vary from hilarious to heart-wrenching and sometimes both. Lots of swear words and graphic descriptions of sexual encounters. Kevin Allison hosts and bangs on a bit, i usually skip to 5 minutes in when the good stuff starts.

In the Dark – I started listening to this yesterday and I’m already 4 episodes in. In the Dark is a new podcast documenting the abduction of Jacob Wetterling 27 years ago, and the investigation to find the culprit. Think Serial meets Sword and Scale.

My Dad Wrote a Porno – I haven’t struggled to hold in a laugh in public so hard since I first found the old XFM vault of Ricky Gervais shows with Smerch and KP. Every week brings a new chapter from Rocky Flinstone’s Belinda Blinked erotic novels, read by his son and a couple of friends. Who knew a cervix could be grabbed.

This American Life – Hosted by Ira Glass, This American Life brings two or three stories each episode which are mainly journalistic with comedic elements. This podcast never fails to make me think about something I take for granted, without preaching. They also brought us Serial, so you know they’re good.

This is only about a quarter of the podcasts i’m subscribed to, but if you haven’t really got into podcasts before then these are great ones to start with. If you’re a regular listener also check out Casefile True Crime, The Modern Mann and Lore if you haven’t already.



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